Families » Parent Coordinator

Parent Coordinator

I am very excited to have this opportunity to work alongside you and your family.  I look forward to seeing you all participate, be present, and volunteer in your child’s school.


As the parent coordinator of PS 94, my focus is on making sure families are involved and supported in their child’s educational experience. I am one of the key links between the school and the families, relaying the needs of one to the other. As the school-based contact for concerns and connection of families and community members, I promote sharing of power with parents/guardians as decision makers, and help families understand the educational system so that families can become better advocates for their children’s education.  


I'm excited to get to know and meet each of you. I remain available to you at your convenience and if you have any questions or concerns. I am located in the room 105 in the Main Building. I can be reached at (718) 405-6345 ext. 1050, or (934) 233-3651, and by email [email protected]



Denise Colon